Thursday, February 9, 2017

reuben after looking at a bike.

Worked on Beth Moore Bible study all am.  Went into IG about 1.  I got an iron and 3 small baskets at Doses.  And some ping pong balls for Missy's tag family night.  Then Bible study at Ginny's.  Rita visited with me about the bnb.  I went to Arthur at 5 and we headed to Storm Lake cycle shop.  Denny found one he thought was really comfortable.  Mandy had a clinical until 6 and so we met at Bozwells for reuben sandwiches.  We got a nice text from Karen to the 10 of us.    Lord, guide the arrival of that little grand daughter.  I stopped at Missy's and helped her assign supplies to the families that were willing to provide for family night.  Nice day.

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