Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines day

I had devotions looking out a window of Luke and Karen's apartment and seeing the Mississippi in the distance, ... way distance, but I could see it.  I called for Alexa and the machine lit up, but she didn't obey my voice to turn on the kitchen lights.  I could not quite see how to make the kurig coffee, but it worked out and I made it to the hospital a little before 9.  Luke and I went on a Starbuck coffee run ... and baked goods at Ivy's.  The check out procedure at the hospital takes a while.  Carol decided to stay an extra day with me in Burlington and so we grandmas have had fun today.  We left the hospital when Mark and Pete headed north.  At the kids' apartment we made turkey sandwiches and guacamole and got some fruit on a plate.  Then we left.  We wrote a note that we would love to have lunch with them and to text us when it works out the best for them.  We checked in and took our luggage to the BB.  It has a great sunroom where we had a cup of coffee and visited.  We got the  text for lunch at 1:15 and then we visited and watched a sleeping Valentine until 3:30.  We left them to hopefully take naps and we went on a walk to stores on downtown Burlington.  It was fun to look at all the stuff.  We came back to the BB about 6 and I called Denny.  at 6:30 we ate supper with the new family. Seasoned roast pork, party potatoes, fresh veggies with vinegrette dressing.    We walked back to BB about 9:30.  Wonderful day.  So much fun to spend it with the newest Grand.  The cat is having a lot to deal with ... first, there were 2 ladies that came to her domain, and she did not know them.   And now there is a little noise maker who part of the forever picture.   It will be an adjustment. 

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