Saturday, January 26, 2019

Fun Days banquet

Up early and walking, but Lois said from the kitchen they could use help and so I went and cooked sausage patties and bacon and warmed up sausage links.  Fun Am.  Too bad that the farmer's market that Gail, Kathy and I went to was cancelled because of the rain.  Next to fill the car with gas and let Kathy get Diet Pepsi from Circle K gas station.  I made it back for breakfast at the park.  It was rainy, rainy, rainy,  I helped peel potatoes for the meal then I went by myself to the movie "Upside".  I enjoyed it , but the other movie preview that showed before the feature film were very loud and violent.  Just Nasty!!!!  We headed to The banquet at 3:30.  I talked to Jessica as I walked there.  Lord, be with her and give her your wisdom.  I am asking for a miracle.  I won 4 candy bars: First in Petanque, Second in Darts, Third in Ponytail and horseshoes.  Eventful Fun Week.  Good meal and we stayed for the dance afterward ... and cleanup.  Today in the Minneapolis -15 windchill weather Luke ran a half marathon.  Way to Go, Luke!!!  #onlyinminn   It was so cold his phone froze up.  Literally froze up.  BRRR!!!!!

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