Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Getting Rose

Slept until 7.  Played 9 holes of golf with Fay.  I shot lousey again.  Oh, well still enjoyed it.  Home to nap and make the bed and move remaining stuff to tiny shed.  I walked 45 minutes on the treadmill only to realize the 7 points for 45 min exercise is only available 5 times a week.  Uffta!! At 4 we headed to Harlingen airport.  Luke and Karen's plane left a little late, but is scheduled to arrive at 5:15 according to the "follow your plane" app that Denny has.  We ate Mexican and then headed home.  Before Rose went to bed we stopped at 406 and all the Grand Aunts and Uncles loved her.  Arlen arrived in B'ville about 11, according to Denny's app.  So good to have them in the Valley

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