Sunday, January 20, 2019


Denny got up and went to ride bike with some others that meet on Saturday mornings at 7.  Uffta!! That's quite a feat for him.  I walked 45 minutes.  Gail and I went to yoga at the farmer's market.  I was so tickled because I bought some arugula from a vender.  We got back to the park in time for info at coffee and donuts.  Then pickleball until 10:30 when Judy came to our place and gave me a haircut.  Gail, Denny and I worked on the ladies' pool tourney brackets for next Wednesday.  I read in the sun for a couple hours.  Boy, was it windy!  At 4:30 we headed up to the fishfry meal with a dance afterwards.  Fay and Terri brought a pretty blue lemon-aid drink. Missy gave me a phone call at night.  So good to hear her voice and see her.  Iowa/ Missouri is snowy and cold.

Mikayla's wedding back in Omaha

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