Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I walked my 45 minutes in the am.  Actually before I even woke up.  Kinda like sleep walking in the park.  I have decided ... It is more than  okay to enjoy doing something that you really do not do very well.  That would be my morning of playing golf today with Gail, Bruce, and Keith.  I shot a 52 and a 54.  Still it was a good day.  It was lots warmer than Iowa.  And with people I enjoy.  Keith bought us hot dogs after playing.  Then a nap, then pickle ball, then supper at Bruce's.  Denny and I had a family group phone call, the rest of the crew went to DQ's and brought home minis for us as we all watched the Madison BB vs. Nebraska.  Kathy R. left to day for Cold North Area.

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