Wednesday, January 2, 2019

BRUCE'S New Years Party

Jack was up at 6:15,  Denny fixed come and go breakfast.  Mandy and Jason went for a run and made plans for a massage.  Well, when a little guy gets up at 6am,  he is ready to nap at 9 ... just like his G'pa.   :)  So nap they did.  Nancy went to get Jack after his nap and it was a sweet time of snuggling.  Well, mainly we ate all day!  After a late lunch we HAD to take Mandy and Jason to  C&C wings.  Afterwards Cooks went to get a massage and we went to 406.  Gail and Bruce had about 35 there for a "somewhere around New Year's Eve" party.  Very fun!!  Jack was a hit!!  He toddled around and greeted everyone, then finished off a bottle, and went down without a peep.  We did not win Bruce's trivia contest.  But they had much good food there.  ALWAYS much good food. 

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