Tuesday, January 1, 2019

To the Beach

Jack got up at 6:45.  I took him to bed and it was just like the clips of a mom trying to sleep with this cute wiggly-bump-his-head-with-mine-and-crawl-over-my-face baby.   The weather was better and Denny fixed breakfast out on the deck.  Wonderful.  We left for SPI around 10, Jack fell asleep, Jason and Mandy got out to shop while we watched Jack in the car, we drove to the north end of the island, and got out to walk on the beach.  We stopped at the turtle rescue.  After looking at turtles we ate at BurgerF1.  I kept Jack awake by feeding him ice chips as we drove back to Brownsville.   After naps we stopped by Reals and then went to the hot tub.  Mandy and Jason ran around the park.  Kathy and Bill brought a gift for Jack.  We had a family phone conference call.  SO GOOD

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