Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ladies lunch

Gray and rainy day.  Up and walked 2 miles in the drizzle.  I did part of the dvd workout in the community room.  At home Denny went over the trailer  books with Nancy and me.  Missy shared a picture of EAB making roli with her language teacher.  Jean, Nancy, Kathy and I went to Senior Donkey for the ladies' luncheon.  About 35 ladies were there.  When we got home Denny and I took the second bed that was delivered to us back to the Fed Ex.  (Now we are not sure how the second bed got delivered, but we took it back.)  Then to HEB.  At home I napped and then we watched tv on a gray chilly evening.  We got a great phone call from Missy who was waiting to play futbal at the kid's school.  Always good to hear from them.  Then more tv ... This is Us and Blue Bloods.

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