Friday, July 17, 2020

All kids home Hurrah!!!

Up for devotions. Fixed biscuits and sausage gravy. Coffee on patio. I went with Luke to check out his working conditions and they were acceptable. Then I went to pick snap dragons. Denny saw that the tire on Matt's trailer was flat and so we went to IG to get the tire fixed. I got groceries and Denny decided that there really should be 2 new tires on the trailer. We went home and got the other tire to get replaced. Mandy and Jason got here about 6. Matt and family got here about 6:30. Jensens were in charge of grilled pork burgers for supper. We ate in a long line of 3 tables out on the deck. At dark there were rousing games of kick the can. Wonderful night out on the patio.

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