Monday, July 20, 2020

Sunday July 19

Denny was "Making bacon" on the patio. I brought out yogurt, granola, watermelon. YUM!! Kids played with Jack's jeep, Matt's family left around 10 and Mandy left around 11. Mike came and got flowers for Gert's 81st birthday. Left overs for lunch. Naps as Luke worked on a split log table-top vision. 3 hours worth of work. Denny helped with wedges and pounding. They used the bobcat to position it. WELL, it wasn't what Luke envisioned, but it is useful. Jake L. was here with Evan, They Luke and I played Power grid. Oh, yes I lost again, Luke won.... Pete and Carol came out and brought Casey's pizza. We ate on the deck and then had s'mores by the creek, with the Swedish torch and split log table. I was so tired I went right to bed. Amazing weekend Christmas present. Thank you Children. The weekend was filled with so many wonderful memories.


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