Up for Devo's and to pack 9 flowers and 5 boxes of donations for New Leaf. Anabel went with me at 6:30 am. I had a great day with 3 Grands. When Tyler took his am nap I started mowing, but quit when Jan came to visit. She took 4 flower bunches with her to share with friends. And gave us the idea for using the slide with the blue swimming pool. While the littles had lunch I ran to the grocery store (and New leaf to drop off boxes) and Anabel watched them with Jason who came home for lunch. They took nice pm naps and I finished the lawn. Anabel and I got ingredients ready for supper for the Cooks. I filled the pool and the boys really liked it. Especially Tyler. The water was cold, but he didn't seem to care. SUCH BIG SMILES!!! Jan came back in the afternoon and was SO happy 'cause the gals who got flowers were SO happy. Mandy and Jason came home and I gave her a quick hug before we headed home. Phillip's cousin Kelsey and husband Ryan were at the farm with their 3 boys: Jack, Lane and Jesse. I took a shower and changed clothes before going out to talk to them. They brought pork chops to grill and invited us for supper. Wonderful Day!!! Denny finished spraying down the house siding and washed ALL the windows (again). Thank you, Jesus.

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