Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The making of a Swedish torch OGT

I worked on laundry last night/early morning. It is cool this am, so I am outside on the deck working on my blog.  Phillip and Evan left about 5:30 for a Doctor appointment in SC.   He is taking a stress test and then a covid test and self quarantined until his pulmanary/cardiac appointment on Friday.  Blogger is doing something new with the writing of posts. Uffda!!! Hard for this old dog to learn new tricks!   I went to OGT and stopped to get black duct tape, turmeric, steaks & salad, gas for Prius, and forgot to stop at First State Bank.  When I got home Denny and Brooks were loading steel on the trailer.  We took a load in and went home, napped and then worked on getting steel off of stainless steel pig feeders and using the bobcat to load them on the trailer.  Matt texted to let us know that TJ wasn't feeling the best, they are testing him tomorrow.  We ate supper with Jensens on the patio,  a combination of left overs, rice, Tikkamasala, pesto and Jalepino poppers.  Kris B. delivered the Grands who had been playing with their cousins.  Lots of bug planes flying over the farm.  Closely over the farm.  


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