Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Happy to have family and friends at the farm

Up early.  Made scrambled eggs.  Loaded car with clothes for OGT.  Volunteered until 9.  Coffee and visiting with Finchers on the deck.  I found old pail (for a momento) and plastic tub to put dug up flowers for Fay.  Keith and Jane got here.  Keith, Jerry and Fay met Gail and Bruce to play golf in Denison.  Jane and I worked on fixing hose that I cut with lawn mower.  Oh, my! That took a while.  We chilled on patio.  We grilled for brats, asparagus for supper and had cheesecake for dessert.   Keith and Jane stayed in the Cabin.  Sure, Finchers went to bed, so Denny doctored up/ put the rub on the Pork butt for smoking tomorrow all by himself.  He stayed up and started the smoker.  The meat went in the smoker at 10:30 pm.

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