Thursday, July 2, 2020

Home and mow

I took a tylenol about 3 and was pretty groggy all morning.  I didn't seem to be able to get anything done.  I started tasks and didn't finish, as I went to work on another job.  I think I may have had 5 jobs going at once with nothing getting accomplished.  Uffda.  When Denny went out to mow I was going to go out and mow also.  He said,"Just work on one thing and get it done.  I'll mow."   What a relief.  I made spinach artichoke dip,  sewed a navy and white striped table cloth from a shower curtain, organized linen closet by putting like colored sheets, napkins, tablecloths in bins and labeled them washed Maryann's quilt, took 2 chairs out of Luke's room to go to the upstairs of the bunkhouse, cleaned off the top of my dresser and dusted, put away clean clothes, washed 3 loads of clothes, browned sausage for sausage biscuits, fixed a purple sheet to make it fit on the mattress, made the bed in Luke's room, gave Jean, Gail, Fay, Peggy and Jane a call.   Fay and Jerry are planning to come to the farm Monday July 6.   It seemed like a got a lot done.  Denny mowed, weed whipped, moved the cattle waterer/firepit/table next to the creek. We filled in some more dirt by the log to stop the leak.  He went out to work on a compost toilet, I went to the barn to find a tabletop for the fire pit.  I washed it, and washed it, still it looked kinda bad.  Oh, well, my best is often not quite good enough.  Man, it felt good to go to bed!

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