Friday, July 3, 2020

Headed north

I was up at 5 and went to the CSA and put together 12 bouquets.  Hopefully, someone can use them for church or I'll use them Monday and gift them to some essential workers.  Denny had to figure out what tools he needed to take to Matt's and then he sent Matt a material needs list.  It should be a fun weekend.  I am so thankful for this nation.  We left about noon, we're planning to take 20 to 35 north.  WE got there about 5:30.  Not a quick easy ride, but doable ... very doable when 3/4 of kids are going to be there.  We toured the house, went to the lake, ate a great supper, visited with Megan and Ryan T.  We got to sleep in TJ's room as the boys are in tents in the yard.  Matt promised $10 for TJ and Evan if they  could put the tent up all by themselves ... then added take it down and put it away when they were done with it .... and added they had to sleep all night in the tent .... Make that both nights in the tent.  When we left they had earned their $10.  :)


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