Monday, September 7, 2020

Sunday September 6, Trump tractor parade

 Fun!!!  I got up early and after devotions I started to put 3 baskets of flowers together for the tractor rally at E. Sailor's farm.   I listened to 2 services as I worked on the flowers.  At 11:45 I headed to Schleswig.  I was put in charge of cooking about 300 ears of sweet corn to go with the hamburger/hot dog/ chips/ watermelon meal.  About 100 tractors and vehicles left Denison about 1 and got to the farm about 2.  It was really fun to see the flags and support.  I would guess there were between 200-300 people there.  I had made the flowers so I could give out about 10 bouquets for each basket.  Beautiful day!!! Lord, guide our country.  Heal our country.  Forgive and restore our nation.  Only You can bring the miracle we need.  


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