Thursday, September 24, 2020

Sisters in Atlantic

Wonderful Day!!!  I headed to Atlantic and got there about 8.  We just spent time together.  It was so good.   Gail had been to church and got some quilts to tie.   We sat at her table and worked and talked.  Jean got there about 10 to join us tiring one on.  :)  We ate Mexican outside and made a couple quick stops,  I took a short nap at  home  then at 1 Gail, Bruce, and I went to play pickle ball.   It was fun.  Good to play after taking a break after I hurt my wrist and ankle.  It was fun!  We stopped to get Jean and got ice cream to eat under Gail's oak tree by the costa she planted.  I headed home about 5 and stopped to bacon for BLT's.  Great supper with Jensen kids: BLT's, corn, chocolate milk,  Reese and marshmallow to toast.  Anabel and I started the fire.  


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