Thursday, September 10, 2020

Home and a couple major jobs done

 Now i was awake from1-4 and then slept until almost 9.  Now that is sleeping in for me,  BUT it wold be better if I were not awake from 1-4 am.  Denny took the saw and cut off the 2x4  on the bar area of the porch house.    I swept the floor of porch house and undid the ladder that goes to the second floor.   It was too heavy for me to move, but Phillip and Denny helped move it out into the yard.  I cleaned out the 2 garden shed rooms and relocated some things from the shelves: shells, bocci balls, softball glove, turtle game, heavy pot with lid.  Denny had Anabel and Brooks hauling stuff to the trash with the 4 wheeler.  He had cut a lot of branches and they hauled them away also.  'Twas good to see all that stuff done and gone.  We started a fire in the pit.  I fixed party potatoes, meat loaf, and watermelon for supper.  Denny fixed garlic, almonds and green beans on the grill.  SO good!!After Missy and Phillip came home with the Jeep we had supper in the sunroom.  

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