Friday, September 11, 2020

Cherokee times

I got up and was on the road by 6:30.  It is always such a fun day for me when I get to spend the day with the little guys.  Jan came out after her dentist appointment.  Both guys went down for an afternoon nap around 1.  It is 3:30 and they both are still asleep.    Missy and kids and G'pa came to Cherokee.  Dad got pizza ingredients.   Everyone made the pizza of their choice to share.  There was a lot of activity.  Races with push scooters/ orange cars with baby cousins riding and older cousins pushing around the loop.  We ate supper with all the family and then headed home.   Jensens spent the night in the RV.  Looking at the pictures Mandy and I both realize that babies grow up WAY too fast.  You gotta hold 'em while you can.  If they stay still for a bottle ... let them have a bottle.  Sitting on the kitchen floor Mandy and Jason have a good view of all the activities.   Plus they blocked the race track for a short time. 

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