Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Ordered pretty screen door

 Up and enjoyed morning.  We started on bunkhouse after getting Brooks going on dragging the grass seed by the creek.  We hunted for wood down in the sheep shed.  I took about a zillion nails out of noe board that Denny used for framework for the west window.  Denny added wooden base at the bottom of the east windows and fixed/caulked them.   I started removing lathe and plaster from kitchen bath area.  I would work for a while with the window open, go out and do something like visit with Denny, start laundry, or fix lunch and then go and break loose more dusty plaster and lath.  Very dirty work.  By the time I quit I was feeling not good.  Lord, grant me wisdom and health.  I fixed pork enchiladas, coleslaw, pears, and cherry tomatoes for lunch with the Jensens.   We worked pretty steady 9 until 4.  At night we sat on the rockers and found a pretty screen door.  Of course, 42 review... 15 gave the door 5's,  16 gave the door 1's.  Now that's not a good indicator of success ... BUT ... It was pretty and Denny can pretty much work miracles ... so we ordered it.                   

This is the lathe and plaster I attempted to remove....

Notice that the ceiling in the room I am demolitioning  ... is blue.....

Kinda the same blue as the porch. 

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