Friday, September 4, 2020

Burr Oak

 Up and coffee that Jane made for me.   I walked around their place and we went to upper deck to watch the sun rise.  BEAUTIFUL!!  Bruce came and Amy showed his the rock she painted to put out for someone to find.   I went to Craig's and visited with Marilyn, it was so good just to sit and talk.   I went to help her clean the cabin for the next airbnb guest that could be coming at 3.  I left when I realized I was late to meet Mugs at T box.   It was great just visiting with her for 2 hours.  A treat!  She had to go to a meeting and I just walked and stopped (with mask) at any store I wanted.  When I got back to Keith's, Amy, Keith, and I went to the pond.   Amy want to catch little minnow, but the grass scratched her legs as we tried to go to a place on the pond where she could catch minnows with her net.   G'pa helped by carrying Amy.  Great supper and then Jane read to oAmy before heading to bed.  

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