Friday, December 31, 2021

2021 BYE,BYE!!!1

Celebrate 2021!!! I took Nancy and Jean to choir practice, then I went to the island.  I bought a dress and shorts at a thrift store and went to the beach for a while.  We got groceries at HEB before coming home.  At home I made guacamole.  At 5 we went to Joyce and Brad's for supper.  SO fun!!  At 8 there was a dance at the hall.  So fun to dance and visit.  We went to Finchers for a short time before heading home.  Happy New Year!!!

Prius Mileage: 144,300
2014 Ford F 150 Platinum crew cab red pickup: 100,000 miles

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Just working on the dryer

 I played pickel ball at 8.  Denny ws working on fixing the dryer, so I held tools.  Denny didn't;t get it fixed, but Bill told him the right part number too order on prime.  We ate supper on the deck with Gail, Jean, Arlan, & Bruce.  I called Bill and Sandy who came in this afternoon and they came and ate with us.  I went and played pony tail cards after supper.  

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Lunch at Cafe on the Beach Supper at C&C Wings

I slept in until 6:45 then devo and pickleball at 8.  There were 8 of us.  Wonderful warm weather.  Denny fixed breakfast on the deck and Jean joined us for coffee.  I planted some lisiathus in 2 pots.   I went with some year round ladies to Jakes for lunch.  Nice time to catch up on their lives.  At 5 Bruce took us to C&C for chicken wings.  Uffda!!  Ate too much today.  

This picture was on the conservation board from several years ago.  I see Anabel and Brooks.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Destination 6900 Coffee Port Brownsville

We woke earlier than usual.  Breakfast was good and we were on the road by 7:30.  I played with making some more collages of pictures and I listened to a couple books.  It seemed like a long drive for Denny, but we got to 4 seasons about 3:45.  8+ hours today and 12+ hours hours on Monday.   The projected drive time was 19 hours, so we did make stoped when needed.  We unloaded the car then started to enjoy the deck with family and friends.  Jean, Arlan, Bruce, Nancy, Joyce, Brad, Kathy, Bill, Fay and Jerry joined us.  Wonderful start to this season in Texas.  

Monday, December 27, 2021

Heading South

 No alarm.   We stayed in bed until we woke on our own.  It took about 1 1/2 to get up and finish tasks before 8 and heading to Texas.  The road to Harlan was icy, but now as we are closer to interstate 80 the roads are dry.   Denny did a great job of packing.  We can see out the back window.  Of course we are never quite sure which bag (put in any thing we may be looking for) is in.   Lord, grant us safety.  Jensens are in Pokara during the Christmas break and the whole family has been parasailing.  Amazing!!!  We stopped to stay at Cleburne at a Hampton around 8:30.  We ate at Chili's  On the car ride Denny drove the whole way.  I put some collage pictures together and we listened to a 2 hour book by Grisham.

Me: Hey God.   God: Hello, My love.   Me: The world is completely out of control!   God: I know.  It's such an adventure, right?     Me: No!  It's like being on a runaway train!  I need to feel like I am in control of my life.     God: You want to be in control?      Me: Yes!    God: You are living on a spinning wet rock of a planet that resides next to a constantly exploding fireball in the middle of an ever-expanding universe that is filled with mysteries beyond your wildest imagination.   Me: Um, okay....     God: And on this planet that you are hurtling through the great expanse in - you are coexisting with billions of other people who have free-will and their own experiences that shape their perspectives and beliefs.     Me: Yeah...?         God: And while all this is going on your soul is residing in a physical body that is such a miracle of delicate engineering that at any given moment could produce its last heartbeat.      Me: Right...     God: What is it about your existence that you think you have any control of?     Me: Um…     God: Come on - you know the answer to this.  What can you control?     Me: How kind I am to people?     God:  Yep and one other thing.    Me:  What's that?     God: How kind you are to yourself.  Aside from that - most of everything else is a bit outside of your design.      Me: That's a bit terrifying...    God: All great adventures are!     ~ john roedel (

December 26

Fun last day with family before they head home.   Luke's got loaded and left for Minneapolis about the same time we headed to church.  After church Cooks loaded their car and headed home.   They helped a lot by taking all our random food in the refrigerator.  After they left while I was talking to Denny about when we would get packed and leave, he said he was thinking about Tuesday morning.   He listed off all the things that had to be done.  I mentioned that if we weren't leaving until then, I would probably go play pickleball Monday morning.  I suspected, but wasn't sure how that statement would influence him.  YUP, we got all the tasks done with out hurrying or stress.  The biggest task was getting Keelie situated at Nakasawas.  Next big job was packing the Prius and trying to determine if it all would fit or if we would take the pickup.  Then came cleaning, making beds, unplugging electrical appliances, etc.  We went to bed about 10, planning to head south whenever we got up.  Thank you, Jesus for wonderful time with family.  Even though half of our family didn't make it.  T'was so good to have pictures, videos and phone calls telling of their activities. 


Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas!!!

 Denny got up about 6:30.  Jack and I came out about 6:45.  Jack was so excited to see the stockings filled and lieing on the sofas.  Fun start to Christmas morning.  Denny made bacon  in the oven and kept it warm in a crock pot.  THE BEST BACON EVER!!!  Also scrambled eggs.  I added muffins, coffee cake, and buttered cinnamon roll slices.  After reading the Christmas story the gift opening began.  Lots of fun things.  Best present for me was the plan for the family to come to the farm the weekend of June 24-26.  Love!!!  Denny- got amazing smoker tools!!! Lots of them!!!  All different kinds!!  Lots of fun gifts.  After noon naps, then smoked brisket around 5.  YUM!!!   Tessa and Curt stopped for a while on their way to Omaha.  

Covid strikes Z Johnsons

 Bummer!!! Matt's family hadn't been feeling the best this week and so on the way down to Iowa they stopped to take a covid test.  One of them tested positive and so they turned around and went home.  Sad, but true and perhaps the way of life during these times.  I think it's good be thankful for the good things that we're got!!  On the plus side of life ...  We have the hope of seeing them when they are on the healthy.  AND They do not appear to be in too much danger/health wise.  After one of Dad's breakfasts we took the 4 littles to see the "Cars"cars by Denison.  Kids played outside quite a bit after getting home.  Naps took most of the afternoon and after naps I got out some craft stuff for Rose only to discover it was almost time for Church Christmas Eve Service.  I always like that evening service.  It's so pretty with the candlelight.  Lincoln did better with playing (jumping off stairs/chairs) the basement with his dad than sitting still with candles.   We had soup after we got home, but didn't eat it in the coop. 


Thursday, December 23, 2021

SO fun

 Our big plan for the day was to wash the car in IG.   No pickleball, so Marilynn was going to drop off a book for Denny which was going to be my Christmas present for him.    I was thinking I could hide it from him, but it didn't work t that way.  Oh, well.  We just pet getting stuff ready for the time with the kids.  Mandy and family came about 5.  They had texted us earlier and said they would come around 5, but why don't we wait to eat until about 6:30 .   Well, there was a reason for that request.  Luke and Karen came to the farm!!!! about 5:30.  They had told me they were coming Friday morning.  Such a great surprise.    Denny and I had cleaned the floor of 3 closets, so we made sleeping areas for Jack, Tyler (in our bedroom) and Rose (in the purple bedroom).  Lincon slept int eh laundry room and the basement was left open for Zimmerman Johnsons coming Friday.  We had a Grand visit in sunroom after littles had been put to bed.  SO good to spend time with family.  

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Getting ready ... Looking forward to time together

Up and coffee.  I spent most of the day listening to the Libby book The Road to Grace by Richard Paul Evans.  Plus made rhubarb bars, one loaf of Pumpernicklel Kettle bread.  I hope it turns out.  Denny was home while I went to play pickleball.  I took ibuprofen so my knees wouldn't  hurt.  And I wore a elastic band around my left knee.  Fun time!!   Denny cleaned out the grill, smoker and heater.  The bread is too salty and it didn't rise very much, but people liked it and it got eaten;)  

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

neighbor visit

 Up to make coffee  for Luann and Shige visit.  It was so good to take the time and have them over.  Those who read this please remember to pray for them.  What a sweet family who need prayer warriors to encourage them as they share the Gospel.  Denny and I went to  IG to make 4 stops.  At 1 I went to play  pickleball but came home about 2:15 because my knees hurt some I and Idi'n't think I would stress them.  At 5:30 wen went to Gerdes for supper.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Happy Anniversary Matt and Becky

19 Years!!! So glad you are together and married, loving the Lord, each other, your kids, and all those you meet.   WAY TO GO!!!!  T'was hard to pick which picture to use and so I posted a lot.



The cleaner was at it full strength today.  Way to go Denny!!!!  I went to play pickleball and when I came back he was scrubbing the shower with a toothbrush.  And he kept going  rugs, floors, oven, sinks, stove, What a man!!  I basically put stuff away, stayed out of his way and did all I could not to distract him.  Great day!!!!  

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Great day

I love our SS class.  Kathi had the table decorated and fruit and cinnamon mon rolls and coffee and creamer.  SO fun to talk and laugh and share.  The children sang carols during the service.  Fun to see the children sing and one little guy that led the clapping.  I had a nice visit with Brenda after church.  I miss that girl.   We stopped at Bomgars before going to the King Theater to hear Miller and sons.  I thought it was wonderful!!  Thanks Denny for getting the tickets!!   We are home and then went to Julie and Darwin's to visit.  Thank you, Jesus for good friends.    I'm looking forward to Christmas with the family.  Thank you Jesus that for this moment in History I do not have family in Auswitz.  We watched Hallmark movies at night.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Finished listening to great book

I just spent 13 hours listening to The Book of Lost Names by Kristin Harmel.  I really appreciated the story, inspired by a true story from WWII.    So I am still in my robe at 10:15 am.  Uffda!!  I have listened to The Hiding Place and The Taster and with the status of our nation, these books seem pretty pertinent.  Thank you Jesus for those who stand true to You in the face of evil.  Denny put the phone holders in the vehicles and we vacuumed the chicken coop.  At 5 we went to the bowling alley for prime rib and to hear Next of Kin.  Great food!  Nice to visit with Sue K and Craig F.  And we thought the band sounded good!!


Friday, December 17, 2021

Pickleball and pack

I sent a video clip from DAB to the family adults on the Micah text that Jensens had on a batiked Nepal picture.  At 9 I headed to IG for pickleball.  There were 9 of us.  Fun!! Denny was cleaning and packing tools when I got home.  I sorted thru my top drawers a little and napped.  I am really liking the book that I am listening to.  We sat in sunroom and scheduled out our life!!!  for next week.  So funny.  Wonderful night to chill in the sunroom.  Bill B. from the park shared a picture on FB how the band director was right between him and his granddaughter so you couldn't see Scarlet, so I thought I would share our life with a couple of pictures:)


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Supper at Sue's

Slow morning.  It seems like I shuffled along and had no real gains in accomplishing anything.  Froze party potatoes, Made 3 batches of rolls.  I  listened to Libby book, The Book of Lost Names.   Denny is discouraged because our insurance or Schaller have NOT taken responsibility for damage to the house from fiber optics installation, AND SO HE DID IT HIMSELF!!!  While I was in IG  I had a dermatology appointment with Crystal and she froze a couple places, one on my face one near my clavicle.  I went to study at 1:30.   We picked up Al and Darlene T at 5:45.  We had an amazing supper and visit and sharing at Goodenows.  It was such at treat!!   I intentionally sat and just enjoyed my time there with people who love the Lord.  

I put together this picture today so I can post it on 4 seasons page if an alligator is sited again.  


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Cherokee fun

 Up early.   Stopped at Carlyle tires before heading to Cherokee.  Then a bout 5mikes south of Cherokee I was flagged down by a gal whose car was hit by a deer.  She is a nurse at MHC who just got off a 12 hour shift.  She used my phone to call 911 and I waited with her until the sheriff staff came.  She was shook up and thought her hand probly was broken and the car totaled, but otherwise ok.   Mandy took Jack to preschool. Jason used my car so I would have the car seats in his Jeep to take little guys around.  Tyler plays do sweetly by himself, going from puzzles to Lego’s to Mickey Mouse to matching to photo books .  What a fun guy!   We visited a few stores before picking Jack up from preschool.  Jason wad home for lunch and meeting up with the internet guys. Mandy headed home early from work.  The wind is picking up.  At home we listened to the weather on the TV, went to the basement for a while, and thanked God that the storm bypassed us.  We ate chips and dip and watched Blue blood.  

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Fun day

Good night's sleep.   I went to OGT, but  I left the car at Carlyle to get the tires rotated, aligned and balanced.  Such a nice visit with the guy who gave me a ride to OGT.  It made my day.  After OGT we went to the bowling alley for lunch.  Great to visit with those nice folks who volunteer at OGT.   Denny had come to town for a haircut.  At home he was washing his new pickup.  I napped, Denny took the pickup into the machine shed to polish.  Later we fixed meat for zuppa, meat for Mexican dip, party potatoes, salad for supper, tilapia for supper, and tartar sauce.  Such a good strar to getting things ready for the time when the kids will be here.   Nice texts with Mandy this morning.  Looking forward to having these 4 grands in Texas in February at the same time.  Always something to look forward to.  

Monday, December 13, 2021

Pickle ball in am

Up and painted the bunk house door another layer of glossy white.  At 9 I went to play pickle ball at the rec center until 11.  At home we started putting the trees together.  We sorted and got rid of some queen sheet sets that had seen their best day.  Denny rehung the bunkhouse door.  I napped.  We are just chilling today with not too much to do.  


Sunday, December 12, 2021

Just rocking on the porch

 I love all the families in our little Arthur Free church.  That's one thing I miss in the church we go to in Texas.  There are maybe only 2-5 families with kids.  And the kids go to SS while we are in church, so we don't see/hear/smile at them during the service.   It is SO good to see all the kids on Wednesday nights and during Sunday school and church.  The youth group served soup for lunch before our annual meeting.  The meeting was so encouraging with the importance placed on sharing the gospel with the community.  At home we chilled, literally on the porch.  I shared some ideas ... I told him those ideas don't have to be done this afternoon, tomorrow, this week or next week.  Just ideas.  I put bon a clear glossy layer of enamel on the blue bunk house door.  Luke called saying that he was going to pull the trigger on plane tickets from Feb 11-Feb. 20 to Brownsville.  Now that put a smile on my face.   These pictures put a smile on my face, too.  :)

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Job completed

 Wonderful slow morning.  It snowed last night.  Good phonemail with the sister's ;at 7:30.  Nice phone call with the kids at 9 We waited until after noon for Denny to bobcat the snow off the drive way.  I finished my cabinent project and put it in the corner of the basement.  We sat on porch rockers and had Mexican coffee and hot chocolate.   I started to clean sunroom and tackle the hallway closet.  Uffda!! What to do with all the stuff.  At 5 we headed into the Kiwana's dinner.  

Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday December 10 Mom's birthday

 Fun to use my imagination    ... BUT oh, does it make a mess!    I played pickle ball in the morning.  And mailed Christmas letters.  And bought adhesive and photo paper at selections and picked uucp a meal at IG UBI and Arthur UBI.  And came home and started to make a mess!!! but It is so fun to work on something that looks kinda fun now and in the end, hopefully it will be useful.  Mandy texted to family.  Denny and I got a phone call from Missy,  OUR TV has capabilities to record SO WE DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO COMMERCIALS!!  We're loving it!!  All after noon I drug things out of closets and cut and glues projects in the sunroom.  I"m quite sure Denny IS NOT happy to have me home in that regard.  UFFDA!!  

Thursday, December 9, 2021


  Nice slow morning.  I headed to IG to stop at Doses before going to Cherokee.  Mandy and Jason left pretty much when I got there.  Tyler and I played Go Fish and went to pick up Jack from preschool at 11.  We had lunch with G'ma Cook at Family Table.  We stopped at a thrift store to get stuffed animals because Piper has chewed up some of Jack's favorites.  At home it was nap time and I put some centerpieces together.  Leah brought an egg casserole and cinnamon rolls for the family.  SO nice.