Friday, June 4, 2021

Garage sales, Pickleball,

How could a day NOT be wonderful when I started out this morning with Denny and coffee on the patio.   I headed to IG and went to Ashley R. garage sale.  Win!!!  $5 fill a bag.  Rose lucked out.  Ashley has 3 daughters:)  There were lots of pretties, I spent $5 for a very full bag.  I played pickleball at the rec center with Sue, Craig and Marilyn.  At home Denny had started spraying the outside of acreage buildings before he paints them in the next week or 2.   He found a new tool ... the hoe for scraping paint.  After he was done he had fun making a job description for grandchildren painters to work with G'pa.  I finished the book.  It's Bruce's birthday to day, Gails was on the 2nd, and their anniversary June 7?

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