Sunday, June 6, 2021

Wonderful Sunday

What a beautiful morning and day.  I took peonies to Church.  Note to self ... Don't use peonies that are all the way open.  They drop petals.   After we long home from church we chilled, the house is clean, inside and outside, windows, I vacuumed the carpets, the outside buildings have gotten their first spray off/ scrape off, my flowers are being watered ... (Well, a little more than I had planned, forgot to turn off the sprinkler when we went to SS and church.  Uffda!!  I finished listening to a book in the sun.  Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich (so so book, more off color talk than I use in my daily life).  Denny cleaned the Jeep.  I am planning to take it to Madison on Tuesday, and then to Decorah on Thursday for the family weekend, then Jensens will take it to Ames on Sunday.

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