Started the day with a great breakfast by Denny. He packed the camp stove, sausages eggs, cheese, frozen hash browns. OJ. It was amazing. Then we traveled to What's New, Craig's antique shed. LOTS to look at and we made purchases. Next stop was Keith's pickleball shed. There was lots going on there. bikes, hockey, skates, wagons, and of course PB. Missy went to get BBQ for lunch and dessert for supper. Most of the young family swam in the pond, rode kayaks, canoes, boogie board, and a big attraction was the king of the mountain on the plank between the 2 grain bin islands in the pond. They had a whipped cream challenge in the pond where they would put a glob of whipped cream on their wrist. Then hit the wrists together so the cream flies up in the air and hopefully into their mouths. Swim, About 5 we had Mexican food. Bruce, Craig and Marilyn, Keith and Jane Ben and Becca, Benson, Beau, Raelynn joined us. Before we ate we took a picture on dock. The kids had a 7 and a 0 balloon for me. Fun pictures. We sat around the campfire at night. Perfectly wonderful day

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