Saturday, June 26, 2021

Happy anniversary, Phillip and Missy

May God continue to bless your marriage as you seek Him in all you do.  

I went out to porch, rocked, listened to the rain.  We had our sister phone call.  Heritage days and Anna's wedding are probably going to be dampened by the rain, but we needed it so much.  We drank coffee in the sunroom and Denny is SO happy he got the gutters cleaned out.  It is just raining and raining and raining.  About 9:45 I left for IG stopping at the hanger and getting some treasures from Maggie's garage sale.  Then to downtown and the parade.  I love small towns and visiting with the people, that is what heritage days are all about.  The cars that Harold Godberson has are amazing!!! It was so fun to see them.  I played pickle ball with Alan Henderson.  There were 8 teams, we came out about 3 or 4th.  There was some question about rules.   At 5 Denny and I went to the all school reunion at the Skate Place.  It was fun to see everyone.  Siches got home right before we did and good to visit with them.

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