Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Jensen's open house

 I was up early and joined Jean in sunroom for coffee. Denny fixed breakfast for family on patio.  I splashed some gray paint on porch floor to cover paint spills.   We set up tables on patio for Nepal display, a table in garage for food, and a high table for water and lemonade under the pine tree.   Renae came at 1, Kathi at 4, and Rachel at 7 to help with keeping food bowls filled.   Through out the afternoon there was a steady influx of people.  I was especially happy that Diane Y, Linda W, Carol J and the group from Parkersburg came to visit with Jensens.   We served veggie dip, chips and watermelon.  In the kitchen we had smoked meat in a crock pot and buns for family's lunch/supper.   At 7 there was information by the Jensens.  About 76 people were at the farm during the day.  Master family helped to clean up.  


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