Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Off to Madison

Up and filled a small pool with water for the plants while we are gone to Madison and NE Iowa.   I also attempted to screw in railing for the bunkhouse upstairs and water the pots on the patio.   Denny had a CT scan at 7:30.  I worked at OGT.  Daily Bread helped me with devotion for the group.  I stopped at the bank, went back to OGT to finish going thru last box and stopped for gas and ice chunks before  going to a trip to Madison.  I left at 19:15 and got to Madison about 4:15.  6 hours.  Nice day to be traveling.  Nancy and I fixed a Home Chief meal for supper, very good.  Denny's ct scan revealed a growth on the right side of Denny's thyroid.  An ultra sound is scheduled for Monday at 9 am.  Nice travel day.

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