Monday, June 7, 2021

Golf for Golden Girls at Holstein.

I was up and carried down a chair and table from the bunkhouse.  I also took the door to the leant.  At 8 I left and took some asparagus and flowers to Carol.   I stopped at Hardees for a sausage biscuit to eat later if I needed it.  I shared a golf cart with Jan L. and we played with 4 from Denison.  My game started off well,  I had some good shots, and then with 3 hoes left I ate part of the sausage.  Uffda!!  I ws laying 35 with 2 holes left.  Pretty good for me and then the last 2 holes I got a 9 and a 6.  Uffda!!  I ended up with a 50. :(  It was a beautiful morning.  I have my health.  The gals I played with were nice.  They had a lovely lunch of fried chicken, potato salad, watermelon and raspberry swirl ice cream.  What's to feel bad about.  I went to Odebolt and Sydney cut my hair at 3.  Denny had gone to Dr. Veltri and found out he may have carpal tunnel ( wear wrist braces at night) and Denny is scheduled for a CT scan to look at his neck.  He went to Storm Lake and rented a trencher.  It took a lot of driving to get it.  20 minutes to dig the trench and then the long drive back.  Beautiful calm warm night.  Denny shot a coon that was wandering around by the cabin.  Happy day for  him.  

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