Wednesday, May 31, 2023


We got up and planted some os Bruce's zinnias before we walked Rose to school.  She held Denny's hand all the way.  Stopped at Denny's cousin Lynn for a quick visit before heading south.  We got home around 4, I think.  Tired.

Diane messaged to say Dave Parker died.  Good high school classmate and neighbor.  

 This is what grief is.  A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.  The hole eventually heals along the jagged edges that remain. It may even shrink in size.  But that hole will always be there.  A piece of you always missing.  For where there is deep grief, there was great love.  Don’t be ashamed of your grief.  Don’t judge it.  Don’t suppress it.  Don’t rush it.  Rather, acknowledge it.  Lean into it.  Listen to it.  Feel it.  Sit with it.  Sit with the pain. And remember the love.  This is where the healing will begin.

My mother always said getting older was a privilege denied to many. 

To all of my female friends from 60 years and up... most of us are going through a  challenging phase of our lives. We're at that age where we see wrinkles, gray hair, and extra pounds. We've run households, had careers, raised families, paid the bills, dealt with sickness, sadness, grief, and everything else life has assigned us. We are survivors... we are warriors in the quiet... we are Women...aged like a classic car or a fine wine. Even if our bodies are not what they once were, they carry our histories, our souls, our courage, and our strength. We should never feel bad about getting older. It's a privilege that is denied to so many. 

Enjoy every minute. ❤️

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Kane's ball game

I was in bed until after 7.  We walked Rose to school and after she went in the school we went and got coffee and talked down to Lake Manitonka.   We sat on the lake dock, spent time at the library, and then walked home.  I got a 11:30 nail appointment.   We ate lunch with Rose then I headed to the Wave Nail salon.  Cost a lot, but they are pretty.  At home the air conditioner man was at Luke's and Denny was walking around with him ( getting $175 per hour.  Uffda!!  Karen, Lincoln and I walked to get Rose after school.  Luke got home in time to talk to the repairman.  We headed to Delano for Kane's ball game.  Luke ordered 3 small pizzas and we met Matt's and had a bite to eat.  After an inning had been played, it started to rain and we sat in our cars until it stopped.  The team lost, but it was fun to spend time together.  On the way home we drove Minnetonka Beach where Bruce N. has a wedding in July.  Wonderful full day.  Everyone was happy to head to bed.  Well, maybe a couple little ones weren't thrill to be put to bed, but the rest of us were tired. 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day

 I slept in until after 6, showered, and headed to Keith's for coffee.  He talked me into taking some of his cannas and he also dug up a blue flower perennial.  I went to Craigs and visited a little. He was going over his notes for the memorial service.  I stopped by Bruce's and then went to the cemetery.  I couldn't decide whether to start my drive to Lukes' or stay for the memorial service.  In the end I stayed for most of the service and then left.  When I got to Luke's Dad, Matt, Becky Torren and Kane were there.  Luke had grilled some great meat for sandwiches, plus all the fixings.  They left about 4.  We played in the yard with bubbles and the sprinkler.  Fun visiting at night with Luke and Karen.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sun Drive to NE Iowa

 When I got up I had lots to do.  I started by reading my SS lesson,  Then put together iris flowers for church.  I picked and cleaned asparagus.  Sherry rode with me to SS.  After church i headed to NE Iowa.  I called Perry's and they were not home, but they did say they made reservations at a motel for August 18.  I got to Blaffton about 4:30.  It was so good to see Diane.  Dean and Ardie also came to visit.  Molly, Jack, and Allie were visiting for the weekend.  Diane shared leftovers from lunch for supper for all of us.  I left about 8 and stopped to visit Keith and Jane.  Steve, Nancy, and kids were there.  I went to Bruces about 10 and fell fast asleep,  even as he was getting home.  I was barely a wake and heard him pull into the garage.  I thought i should go out and say,"Thanks for letting me stay here." but I fell asleep.   

Saturday, May 27, 2023


 I think I went to town to play pickleball.  Then home, Denny was cleaning the bunkhouse.  From there we mowed the lawn.  Then washed the Prius.  Denny stayed to work on it and I went to Bergmans and did a little digging around the back patio.  NEXT was the fun part!!! Sherry took Denny and me out for supper at Davey's.  YUM!!   Then we took a load from the IG storage to Ricketts to see their new to them home.  It looks great for them.  

Friday, May 26, 2023

PB Mow, plant

 I was up and playing PB 8-11.  Beautiful morning  Denny was working on cleaning the RAV4.  I started the sprinkler going on the clay garden.  Graham tire did not have the lug nuts, they ordered some more so hopefully next week we can get the wheels on and the car back.  We mowed the lawn.  I finished planting the free hostas from Mandy's pastor.  Denny fixed pork steaks, onions, grilled asparagus , I fixed boiled asparagus, asparagus salad.  We asked Sam to join us and he brought up scalloped potatoes and ham.  I went to the show at 6:45.  It was not that good, but I want to support the theater.  

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Heading home from CR

UP for coffee with other early morning siblings.   We visited as others left.  About 10 we left and we were home about 3.  Rabbits had once again gotten 4 of my plants.  I put fabric around bottom of plastic fence.  We napped,  Denny started cleaning the Rav 4.  Outside first and then inside.  I watered flower garden.  We both were tired and decided to call it a day and use our phone in bed.  Of course we were happy to take Luke's call and visit with Sherry when she got home.  In bed I worked on Honor Flight collage.  


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Honor Flight

Another great morning.  Betsy made it to CR.  Praise!!  Sherry and Sam had left about 4 to ride horses into IG.  It is Sam's last day of school and this is the second year he has risen to school.  After coffee, devo and sorting the asparagus we picked east night  I headed out to put away/finish projects started yesterday.  I put away tiller.  It was too damp to till around clay garden.  I spread marigold seeds on west edge of clay garden.  I planted hostas around power pole next to the bunk house.  I planted iris by garden shed north door.  I planted some tiny (I don't know what they are)plants. I watered about everything in sight.  The irises were so big and pretty I picked some for no reason.  Denny used the Bobcat and moved the pickup camper into the grove behind the CSA barn.   Inside I made a sign for the free OGT shirts, showered, and packed.   We were on the road to CR by 12:30.  We got to CR and met the family at the motel and went out to eat.  We got to the airport about 9.  It was amazing.  Lots of people, flags, a band playing patriotic songs.  Many, Many people.  It was SO good.  Back at the motel it was Merle's birthday and bed had cake,  I gave her my irises and Gail made Betsy and Craig quilted gifts.  Wonderful day and many thanks to the veterans for their service.  

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


I called Mandy because my shoulder was hurting.  Hopefully that is why I played golf so poorly yesterday.  She gave me the instruction of 800 mg of Ibuprofen twice a day for 10 days, no pickleball/golf for 4-7 days, use ice and heat several times a day.  I headed to OGT and volunteered until 10:45.  I left a little early to have a mammogram done.  Then I met Susan G. at the Farmacy.  At home Denny had switched toilets.  He bought a new high boy and put it in basement.  Then he took the basement one and put it in the bunk house.  THERE IS A WORKiNG toilet in the bunkhouse.  What a guy!!! Denny took the bobcat out in the grove and pushed dirt around.  I rototilled the clay garden plot, put in tomatoes from Keith and cucumbers, and sunflowers and seeds from Bruce.  Denny helped me get the sprinkler going.  I fixed taco salad and guacamole.   After supper we picked A LOT of  asparagus.  WOW a lot done this day.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Full day

I got up and washed and sorted the asparagus, had devo, picked and put together flowers for Keenagers and was  in town for a dentist appointment @8.  From there I played pickleball until 9:45.  Drove to Spring Lake to play golf.  Shari Schmidt was my partner.  She was Luke and Mandy's gymnastic instructor.  I SHOT TErrIBLE!!  Life ...   Truly I felt sorry for her.  We did win 3rd police in 4th flight.  Payback of $2@.  All 6 packages of asparagus were sold $5.  I went to Thistledown and got some cuke plants and fuchsia plants to set in flower bed for color.  Next to Carroll, I shopped little and then took the car to the dealer and got the car serviced.  I got home and Denny had been working on the bathroom stool in the bunkhouse.  I started planting plants from Keith.  Denny fixed leftover meat from Mandy, onions and asparagus.  I worked in the garden until dark.  

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Happy Birthday, Denny!!!

 Denny, I love you.  Happy birthday to the guy who makes my dreams come true.  I am so thankful for your life and each year I spend with you.  

Thank you Jesus!!!    Thank you!!!  My car was at Boondocks when Schrums took me there.  I hated all the the attacks of Satan that caused me anxiety.  It was awful!! We left Burr Oak about 8.  I was home about12:30.  Denny was out planting tomatoes and peppers that he had gotten last week at Prairie Pedlar.  I walked around, looking at a the irises that were blooming.  I picked asparagus and we left for Cherokee.  Mandy had smoked a pork butt and invited us for supper.  Very chill afternoon and wonderful evening meal.  The boys had picked out their own cards for G'pa. Jack's card had 9 kittens.  Tyler's card had 5 sticker cars which he promptly put on after Denny had opened the envelope.    We got home about 11.  

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Benson's Grad Party

Bad dream/nightmare about Prius being gone when I got to Boondocks.  Fear is not from God.  It is crippling.  Focus on the truth of God's word.   He has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love and self discipline.  We went to Bruces' for breakfast and then Keith and I went to play pickleball with Harlan and Mike.  T'was fun!!  At home I went to What's New and took naps.  Keith lined up a bunch of wonderful plants to take back with me.  We went to Barney's for lunch.  At 5 Keith and I went to a yard  in Decorah and he appraised it to see if it was something Master gardeners wanted to tackle.  It didn't look like fun for me.  It looked like a lot of work.  We headed to Ben's home next.  Bensons's graduation party went from 5-8pm.  Lots of people were there.  Good brats, food, cupcakes.  The cupcakes were so good that as I was riding home with him, Craig turned around and went back to Benn's to take some dessert home with him.  We sat out by Keith's fire pit and visited before heading to bed.  Beautiful night. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Leave for NE Iowa

I ws up and folding clothes and putting them away.  The kitchen was a mess too and I cleaned it.  At 8 I headed east.  I met Jean and Arlan at what used to be Boondocks.  Oh, my it was so run down.  One of the worst decisions of my life.  I was so afraid all weekend that my car would not be there when I came on Sunday.  We visited with Keith and Jane,  I walked around and talked to Keith about his yard.  The place is so amazing.  Jane had fixed lasagne and after eating about 7 we headed to Bruce's for a fire pit.  Before we headed to Bruce's Keith and I hit some golf balls.    At home Denny cleaned the machine shed and it looks great.  

Post from Facebook:
 She brought me a toothbrush and a clean pair of yoga pants.  And underwear.  She didn’t ask if I needed undies before packing a bag and schlepping across town to hug her friend at the hospital. Obviously, “Do you need some underwear?” can be an awkward question no matter how close you may be.  Instead, she walked around her own quiet house at dawn asking herself, “What might someone wish for after two all-nighters in the hospital?”This is how you do love.  He came and prayed. Even knowing he’d battle rush-hour traffic, and would likely miss some morning appointments, he arrived in the early hours. Opening his Bible, he read a Psalm his daddy had read to him when he was too scared to sleep.This is how you do love.  If you’re like me, I worry that I don’t do love very well. I don’t always know what to do or say when others are suffering. It’s a terrible feeling isn’t it? The desire to comfort and be a tangible help, but unsure of the best way to go about it?  My inner conversations often go like this: “I want to help, but I don’t want to burden. Should I go? Should I call? Should I text? What will I say when I get there? I don’t want to make things any harder. Are we close enough that they would even want to see or hear from me in the midst of everything they have going on?"  She told me that dinner would arrive at 6pm.  She didn’t ask if we wanted dinner, needed dinner, would be home for dinner, or if we all even LIKED that kind of dinner. Instead she prepared a meal in tinfoil, walked straight into my frighteningly messy kitchen, and put dinner in the fridge for when we would eventually drag home.  This is how you do love.  Friends, we are called to regularly DO love; to comfort and care for our own, our neighbors, and for those we encounter lying in the road.  Some of you already do love so beautifully it seems almost effortless (we all know it's not). The way you are - your lovingkindness - makes this world warmer, safer, and so much lovelier for the rest of us.  But if you ever worry how best to help others in times of trouble, here are some brief thoughts on how others have loved me well in mine.  Check yourself before asking, “Do you need anything?” or, “Is there anything I can do?”  I’ve done this myself, countless times, and always with the best intentions. Of course your friend will appreciate you reaching out, but they probably won’t tell you what they really need. Why?   Because, what they really need is for their child to be well. They need their loved one to be alive. They need the cancer to be gone. Life is not as it should be, and what they really need most is for all things to be well.  Do ask yourself, “How might I show love in this particular situation?” or “Is there anything I can do for them while their focus is elsewhere?” And then go do that.   It will be different for everyone, there is no love recipe.  Go and sit, even for a little while. Bring coffee. Bring a pillow or sweater. Send a card. Mow the grass. Take out the Monday trash. Water the plants. Feed the pets. Pick up the kids from school. Bring a smoothie. Bring underwear. You're doing it! You are doing love...  Do pray to our Father, “Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  She sets her alarm to go off every day at 8:00am, noon, and 4:00pm. Three times each day her little boy hears the alarm and runs to find her.  “Mommy! It’s time to pway”.  She can’t go to the hospital with both her little ones at home. She can’t be with her friend in person, but she can be there in Spirit.  She stops what she’s doing to sit on the floor with her sleepy-eyed boy and they pray (and pway) to their Heavenly Father, who is over, under, in, before, behind, and through all things.   This is how you do love.  Peace to each of you as you love each other well this week.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Car parts

 I worked outside.  '/We headed to /storm Lake to take Oscar some car parts.  We got an electric fence that didn't work on the garden fence.  I went to study.  After supper I went to Brenda's to water plants.  They went to Texas for Ben's 2 year graduation.  

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Day in Cherokee

 I got to Cherokee about 7:30.  No pickleball,  I sat and rocked a sad boy.  We make banana muffins, looked for asparagus, picked lilacs, Went to New leaf, Jason and Mandy were around for lunch.  AT 2 we went to pick up Jack.  Then we followed Jason to Jan's to load up the Kayaks.  We kayaked about 2 hours at Spring Lake and then a quick trip to the grocery store and I headed home.  I drove by Christina's  hoop building.  I also found the plastic electric? fence didn't prevent them from munching the next morning.