Tuesday, May 23, 2023


I called Mandy because my shoulder was hurting.  Hopefully that is why I played golf so poorly yesterday.  She gave me the instruction of 800 mg of Ibuprofen twice a day for 10 days, no pickleball/golf for 4-7 days, use ice and heat several times a day.  I headed to OGT and volunteered until 10:45.  I left a little early to have a mammogram done.  Then I met Susan G. at the Farmacy.  At home Denny had switched toilets.  He bought a new high boy and put it in basement.  Then he took the basement one and put it in the bunk house.  THERE IS A WORKiNG toilet in the bunkhouse.  What a guy!!! Denny took the bobcat out in the grove and pushed dirt around.  I rototilled the clay garden plot, put in tomatoes from Keith and cucumbers, and sunflowers and seeds from Bruce.  Denny helped me get the sprinkler going.  I fixed taco salad and guacamole.   After supper we picked A LOT of  asparagus.  WOW a lot done this day.

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