Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Honor Flight

Another great morning.  Betsy made it to CR.  Praise!!  Sherry and Sam had left about 4 to ride horses into IG.  It is Sam's last day of school and this is the second year he has risen to school.  After coffee, devo and sorting the asparagus we picked east night  I headed out to put away/finish projects started yesterday.  I put away tiller.  It was too damp to till around clay garden.  I spread marigold seeds on west edge of clay garden.  I planted hostas around power pole next to the bunk house.  I planted iris by garden shed north door.  I planted some tiny (I don't know what they are)plants. I watered about everything in sight.  The irises were so big and pretty I picked some for no reason.  Denny used the Bobcat and moved the pickup camper into the grove behind the CSA barn.   Inside I made a sign for the free OGT shirts, showered, and packed.   We were on the road to CR by 12:30.  We got to CR and met the family at the motel and went out to eat.  We got to the airport about 9.  It was amazing.  Lots of people, flags, a band playing patriotic songs.  Many, Many people.  It was SO good.  Back at the motel it was Merle's birthday and bed had cake,  I gave her my irises and Gail made Betsy and Craig quilted gifts.  Wonderful day and many thanks to the veterans for their service.  

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