Saturday, May 13, 2023

Full day

Sister phone call at 7:15.  Ii found out that bunnies have nibbled on my flowers.  SAD fACE.  I put some curtains and put them around my flowers. Hopefully that will keep them out.  At 10 we went into IG to see Karen and Kids.  Luke was traveling and the 3 decided to come for a visit.  The littles played at the playground by the high school and Kiwanis soccer fields.  NICE visit.  I got a bracelet from Rose and a stick flower from Lincoln.  We went home to mow.  2 hours, 2 mowers,  :)  I went to Brenda's to pot some set of plants in a hanging planter.  I took a quick shower at home and then went out to pick the asparagus that I saw needing being picked as I mowed.  We went to Josh M. Graduation party and then went to Kingsley.  T'was so good to see the Hirschman clan and listen to them.  Great meal of steak sandwiches.  Full wonderful day.


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