Saturday, May 20, 2023

Benson's Grad Party

Bad dream/nightmare about Prius being gone when I got to Boondocks.  Fear is not from God.  It is crippling.  Focus on the truth of God's word.   He has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, love and self discipline.  We went to Bruces' for breakfast and then Keith and I went to play pickleball with Harlan and Mike.  T'was fun!!  At home I went to What's New and took naps.  Keith lined up a bunch of wonderful plants to take back with me.  We went to Barney's for lunch.  At 5 Keith and I went to a yard  in Decorah and he appraised it to see if it was something Master gardeners wanted to tackle.  It didn't look like fun for me.  It looked like a lot of work.  We headed to Ben's home next.  Bensons's graduation party went from 5-8pm.  Lots of people were there.  Good brats, food, cupcakes.  The cupcakes were so good that as I was riding home with him, Craig turned around and went back to Benn's to take some dessert home with him.  We sat out by Keith's fire pit and visited before heading to bed.  Beautiful night. 

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