Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sun Drive to NE Iowa

 When I got up I had lots to do.  I started by reading my SS lesson,  Then put together iris flowers for church.  I picked and cleaned asparagus.  Sherry rode with me to SS.  After church i headed to NE Iowa.  I called Perry's and they were not home, but they did say they made reservations at a motel for August 18.  I got to Blaffton about 4:30.  It was so good to see Diane.  Dean and Ardie also came to visit.  Molly, Jack, and Allie were visiting for the weekend.  Diane shared leftovers from lunch for supper for all of us.  I left about 8 and stopped to visit Keith and Jane.  Steve, Nancy, and kids were there.  I went to Bruces about 10 and fell fast asleep,  even as he was getting home.  I was barely a wake and heard him pull into the garage.  I thought i should go out and say,"Thanks for letting me stay here." but I fell asleep.   

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