Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Kane's ball game

I was in bed until after 7.  We walked Rose to school and after she went in the school we went and got coffee and talked down to Lake Manitonka.   We sat on the lake dock, spent time at the library, and then walked home.  I got a 11:30 nail appointment.   We ate lunch with Rose then I headed to the Wave Nail salon.  Cost a lot, but they are pretty.  At home the air conditioner man was at Luke's and Denny was walking around with him ( getting $175 per hour.  Uffda!!  Karen, Lincoln and I walked to get Rose after school.  Luke got home in time to talk to the repairman.  We headed to Delano for Kane's ball game.  Luke ordered 3 small pizzas and we met Matt's and had a bite to eat.  After an inning had been played, it started to rain and we sat in our cars until it stopped.  The team lost, but it was fun to spend time together.  On the way home we drove Minnetonka Beach where Bruce N. has a wedding in July.  Wonderful full day.  Everyone was happy to head to bed.  Well, maybe a couple little ones weren't thrill to be put to bed, but the rest of us were tired. 

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