Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day

 I slept in until after 6, showered, and headed to Keith's for coffee.  He talked me into taking some of his cannas and he also dug up a blue flower perennial.  I went to Craigs and visited a little. He was going over his notes for the memorial service.  I stopped by Bruce's and then went to the cemetery.  I couldn't decide whether to start my drive to Lukes' or stay for the memorial service.  In the end I stayed for most of the service and then left.  When I got to Luke's Dad, Matt, Becky Torren and Kane were there.  Luke had grilled some great meat for sandwiches, plus all the fixings.  They left about 4.  We played in the yard with bubbles and the sprinkler.  Fun visiting at night with Luke and Karen.

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