Saturday, January 3, 2009


Sat. Jan 3,2009 It ended up by Denny saying"Nice Day!" Mark worked at the unit. Denny fixed bacon and eggs for Jensens who headed to Ames about 9:15 and Luke who came home about 3 am. We worked in coop in am and in the afternoon cleaning with the shop vacuum. Luke and we had soup for lunch and he showed us a new game. CATO...He and Denny even made boards to hold the cards. Then naps for us all. After cleaning Denny fixed hot dogs and roasted bread on a fry pan for supper. Jensens returned and Luke returned after being at Doses for brisket. Played CATO and admired work in the coop. "Nice Day!" Talked to all our kids except Mandy. Watched a 1991 fair video in coop. Funny

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