Sunday Jan.4 09 I wanted to inlude a few pics of the coop. Not perfect... but now it is about done it was fun to work on. Did I tell you it was icey yesterday? Well, I fell down 2 times to prove it. So instead of my solo early donut run with Evan before church, we waited for Denny to drive us to SS. After church Susan G. asked us to supper there on Thurs night. She said Friday she wasn't feeling quite right and so she went to the emergency room. They kept her overnight and she is scheduled to see a cardiologist next week. We had naps this afternoon and then we went to church tonight. I've been working on getting the minutes of the last church annual business meeting in the Secretary's book. Betsy sent 200 pictures from Zambia to look at on the web.
Awesome coop Mom. I had fun helping and hangin out here!!