Quick stop at folks this am. Grandpa was ready for his shot. Mom was sitting up and eating. Beautiful sunrise. I took C. to the grocery store. We worked with the calculator and figured individual prices when items are marked 5/$4, etc. We talked about what is in a nutritious meal. I gave her $10 and she bought a meal for us. I had her look in the ad the day before. After school I stayed and worked on school stuff. Then I went to the girls' BB game. We won against River Valley. I went to folks, Denny was just getting off the phone from a conference call with his 2 sisters. He got a cord to hook phone into phone stand he got for Mandy for Christmas so it was on speaker. I'm not sure how these picture pages will come through on the blog. They are from 2003 Fourth of July at HWJ's, I think. Quite a long time a go. I stopped at the unit and watched a pretty sunrise this am before heading to the folks. Gotta Love that sky blue pink. Luke called and he is coming to IG tonight. :)
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