This is the first morning since I started teaching that I didn't talk to Anabel before I went to school. She was sleeping soundly. Mandy was in her room on the recliner and we didn't disturb Anabel. Kinda sad for me. A moment for the day was when 5 of us resource ladies were in Vicki's office talking. Nicole's dad had a stroke recently and has been in the Sioux City hospital, he got out yesterday and is home. I appreciate those kind and caring ladies. They just supported Nicole and the struggles that life brings. Great ladies to work with. Nice to see them care about each other. Missy headed to Iowa City for a burn appointment with Brooks. She left about 8 am and took my Jeep. The roads were slippery between Des Moines and Iowa City. She should be home about 10. Long day. After school I stopped over at the folks. Mandy and I helped Mom sit up a little. Mandy said she hasn't eaten anything today. Mandy started a blog spot today. mirandadenise@blogspot.com I came home and fixed biscuits and gravy, watched Anabel and Evan while Phillip did the chores, and got the clothes hanging bars from machine shed. Then took food to folks for supper. Anabel sat up and Denny gave her 3 spoonfuls of chicken broth. At home I am working on careers class. Denny got Awana notes ready to sent home with clubbers.Blessings from Mary Jo May the Lord bless you and keep you today. May you make this day count for something important and not just let it pass you by. May you invest your time and energy into eternal differences in the words you speak; the choices you make; and the attitude you portray. God strengthen you as you resolve to commit every fiber of your being to His causes. God bless you.
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