Watched a movie until 1 last night(A Time to Kill from Comp Lit II)...Slept til 7 this am. Nice lazy morning. Went to folks about 10- 11:30. Anabel sat in wheelchair in kitchen for a long time, then I helped her get cleaned up and dressed for the day. Savored the Moment when I washed her hair in the wheelchair, massaged her scalp, rinsed the soap out, and dried her hair with the hairdryer. What a sweetie she is! Denny got permission to use lead poisoning with extra cats around the farm. After lunch we took a quick nap. Luke and Karen visited. Fun to talk about wedding plans. Denny paid bills and I worked on and completed an IEP for a student next week. About 6 we went to see folks and Linda. We watched PBS Scottsboro An American Tragedy from Comp Lit II. About 9 we had another Savor the Moment with the Jensens as we talked with them about their meeting Thursday night with The Bridge. So relaxing in their comfortable living room with low lights, sofas, sensing God's presence and guidance in their future. Keep on directing, Lord; keep following in obedience, Jensens. Happy birthday to Matt tomorrow.
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