Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January 10, 2012 22250

Happy Birthday Mandy!!!! We sure love you. Hope you're having a great day. Your mail box if full and can not accept any messages at this time. Quick stop at folks this am. Yesterday little A went with me. How sweet to have both sweet Anabels to spend time with about 7:15 in the morning. After school today I went to Holstein for WW. Then a took a quick nap ... not a good idea, I was really groggy when I went to folks about 6 to fix grilled cheese sandwiches. About every other day for the past week I take one of the four kids tributes off the wall about Anabel's head and read it to her. I purposed in my heart that I would not bawl as I read what they had written. ... so good so far. Tonight I read Gary's. What great moments to cherish. We have so much to be thankful for. The emails telling of arrival plans for the wedding have really gotten me excited for February 18 in Brownsville, Texas.

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