At 7 a.m. I watched Little House about Solomon, a black child. Great moment with the grands. Solomon wanted to go to school, but because of prejudice it was a struggle. Solomon was carrying a small chalk board with him. Torren asked if he was carrying an Ipad. Denny and I laughed alot. It was about the right size. Good question. Stopped at folk's before going into SS. Brought a basket of roses and handed them out to ladies at church. Made koolaid and shared doughnut holes with 3 SS classes, Haley's 2-4th graders, Evan and Torren's K & 1st graders and Anabel's class (even though she was home sick). After church Howard and Mandy came over for mashed potatoes, gravy, and leftovers. We went to the Country Condo (CC) and helped Mandy get set up there. At home we cleaned and vacumned. Prayer serviced at 6. It is raining and cold.
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