Sunday, May 15, 2016

Graduation party

Devotions in bed.  Denny has a cold and a headache.  I picked some flowers for church.  Donuts before church.  The object lesson was on keys.  We miss the Naka kids.  I sent them an email telling them we miss them and we are praying for them.  I started to make arrangements for birthday get together on Tuesday.  Lord, help it work out to encourage a 17 year old.  Home for lunch and naps.  Then back to church for Amy's graduation party.  Visited with Johnson and Jacob.   Back home Denny sprayed out the garage.  Keelie really should not eat dead pigs.  I planted annuals in triangle flower bed and put carpet between some rows of dahlias.  Denny started cleaning the house.  I cut up vegetables and made salad jars.  We got a lot done today.

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