Friday, May 20, 2016

Yea!!! Friday

Up and had devotions in the sun room and then back to bed to nap. Regular day at school. UFFTA!! Uffta!  Uffta. Ind Living fixed 3,2,1 cake and we played a card game with fabrics. After school I headed to the grocery store, then home. YEA!! I went to Missy's to take rhubarb dessert out of oven.   Jordan, Megan, Mandy and Jason got here about. 6:30. Great time.  We toured and looked around outside,  We drove to the windmill sites.  At Jensen's they gave us a tour of buildings, etc.  Back home, I served bisquick sausage balls, deep fried cauliflower, and salsa and guacamole.  Denny fixed the best stuffed pork chops, ever.  Plus tossed salad, wild rice on the side, and dilled carrots.  We had a sample of Jordan's addition to the meal.  We ate the rhubarb dessert out in the coop.  Everyone wished Denny a Happy Birthday before going to bed in the basement.  Great night!! So much fun!!

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