Monday, May 16, 2016

Lots to do today, it seems

Devotions in bed.  Hopefully, Denny is feeling better today.  Regular day at school.  There was stress looking at cards of different fabrics.  Made more plans for Park Party.  At 3 I had 2 IEPs.  At home I made a card for Kasey.  I got an email from Kevin reassuring me that June would raise the benefit.  We ate a jar of salad for supper.  It had not set well with Denny at lunch time.  The salad was okay for us at supper, so maybe Denny had a bug.  I sat and tried to figure out Alg 1A.  It is hard for me.  Then I went outside and watered down the Preen.  Denny bought a cable to tether Cagney.  She barked most of the night.  We started to watch a movie out by the CSA and finished it in bed.  I looked at Alg again before going asleep.

Aileen's birthday today.   These 2 love her very much

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