Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's day

I woke about 5:45 and woke up Denny.  We were on the road by 6 to head home.  It seemed very different with only taking Jensen kids  for donuts.  I miss the Nakas.  Children sang for church.  After church, Luke and Karen picked us up and we headed to Carroll for Chinese.  Hendersons and Goldsmiths were there too.  Great meal.  We went to a park afterward and had a pie that Gail brought along and played Bocci ball.  At home I planted some flowers, then we went to the Jensens for ice cream bars.  Evan got me good.  He gave me a bar and I was going yum, yum, yum, and he took it away from me because I had not said thank you.  It was great!!! I got caught breaking my own rules.  
Later he said because it was Mother's Day he would give me a second chance.  I printed off the resignation letter when I got home.  Lord, guide me each step of the way.  

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