Thursday, May 19, 2016

Thursday ... and didn't stay after school.

I took some airborne during the night to help with my cold.  Denny was up early for a meeting.  I got to school early and got some books moved.  Maybe the salad at lunch was not the best idea.  I slipped in front of one of the sweetest girls and one of the meanest guys.  Guess that is my life.  We went to the grocery store to get buns for the meat donated by the pork and beef producers.  I got blue paint for the flowers pots on the deck.  I need to take some other things home tonight.  It looks like a beautiful day outside.  I wish my lisianthus would come.  I have a lot of planting to do.  At home, Denny and walked around the garden.  and sat on the deck,   and chilled  I planted flowers in the pots on the deck.  Denny worked on supper for Friday night.  We carried table from machine shed up to the sunroom.  8 fit easily around it.

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